Analyzing Data It’s time to assess your data after you’ve gathered it. You may employ statistical techniques, qualitative analysis, or a combination of the two, depending on the type of data you have. and regression analysis are frequently used statistical techniques in trade policy research. Step 7: Results Interpretation Analyse your results in light of your hypothesis and research question of trade policy master’s dissertations. Talk about how your findings affect trade policy and how they add to the existing corpus of information.
Adding visuals like images, graphs, and charts can also enhance WhatsApp Number List your interpretation of results. Step 8: Conclusion and Recommendations List the main conclusions you came to and reiterate their importance. Provide recommendations to improve the trade policy and practices. Portray your research results in the conclusion as you wrap up your empirical study. Step 9: Writing Your Dissertation Your dissertation should have an organised structure with an introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Explain your research methodology, conclusions, and ramifications in plain language.
Keep in mind that your dissertation writing should be in accordance with the accepted academic standards. Trade Policy Master’s Dissertation Structure You can find the dissertation structure from various books online, including The Dissertation Journey. Generally, a master’s dissertation on trade policy has the following format: Introduction: Presents the topic, the research question, and the hypothesis.