Articles of association may make their sale subject to the company's consent . IMPORTANT - the agreement of a simple joint-stock company should be concluded in the form of a notarial deed. It is worth remembering that the company's name may be chosen freely, but it should include the additional designation "simple joint stock company", and the use of the abbreviation "PSA" in trade should be considered acceptable. Concluding an agreement for a simple joint-stock company using a template agreement A simple joint-stock company is one of those companies whose contract can be concluded in electronic form, i.e. using a contract template.
The provision of Art. Commercial Companies Code: The agreement of a simple joint-stock company may also be concluded using a standard agreement cf. § ; Concluding an agreement of a simple joint-stock phone number list ompany using a template agreement requires completing the agreement form available in the ICT system and affixing the agreement with a qualified electronic signature, a trusted signature or a personal signature cf. § ; The contract of a simple joint-stock.

company is concluded after entering all data necessary for its conclusion into the IT system and after affixing it with an electronic signature cf. § ; In the case of a company whose agreement was concluded using a standard agreement, only cash the first issue shares cf. § ; The Minister of Justice will determine, by way of a regulation, the standard form of articles of association for a simple joint-stock company, as well as the standard forms of resolutions and other activities performed in the ICT system, taking into account the need to facilitate the establishment of companies, ensure the efficiency of proceedings in their establishment and the efficiency of court proceedings regarding their registration and implementation.