Apopular wallets The Daedalus Yoroi Wallet He knows online Binance Infinity Wallet Atomic Wallet Guard AdaLite How to buy ADA coin on the exchange Currently exchanges support many deposit methods to buy ada coins easily through methods Buy ada by bank transfer this method uses PP to buy stablecoins on the exchange then use these stable coins to buy back the currently listed ada coins you just need to transfer the money to the sellers bank account. Cardano trading if you are holding other cryptocurrencies you deposit them into the exchange and exchange them for ada at a preferential exchange rate.
Transactions by credit card Binance currently supports people to buy wedding photo editing service stable coins directly with a credit card then use stablecoins to buy back Ada coins. How to exchange Ada coin to cash ADA coin is listed on many exchanges so people can sell ADA to exchanges and convert it to VND. Or use Vicuta floor to buy and sell ADA to get the best trading price. As long as you create an account on the exchange and verify your identity and valid account you can transfer Ada to Vicuta wallet and exchange it for VND.uses the PoS consensus mechanism i.e. the Ourroboros algorithm so sadly people cannot mine Ada coins although it is still possible to replace Ada staking on storage wallets.
Should I invest in ada coin Disadvantages of ada coin Although Ada copper possesses many outstanding advantages the limitations of this type of copper cannot be ignored Currently Ada Coin is still in the development stage of trying to become popular but if not many people know and widely use it it will be difficult for the platform to go further. Comparing with two major successful platforms Ethereum and NEO judging that Ada is difficult to replace NEO when the goals and market segments are different so it will be even more difficult to break into Ethereum not to mention Ethereum.