Linkedin Sales Navigator also helps you when your prospects' position changes, by alerting you immediately in the event of a change. Same thing when they take an action on LinkedIn, which allows you to keep an eye on their activity. This way, you can constantly adjust to the needs of your prospects, to engage contacts more quickly. Of course, all this has a cost, at least €79.89 per month for a monthly subscription.
The tool also offers the most expensive optional Phone Number Data functionality on the network, particularly due to the costs associated with database purchases, although they are scalable. The advantage of Linkedin Sales Navigator : its direct integration with LinkedIn Social selling training web conversion digital prospecting ProspectIn Among the automated prospecting tools on LinkedIn, we particularly note Prospectin . brings together all the features dreamed of by salespeople who need to prospect on a chain basis.

For each query, the tool can extract 2,500 LinkedIn contacts, directly from the platform or via the tool mentioned above, Linkedin Sales Navigator. But this is not its only advantage. ProspectIn directly assists Sales by scripting contacts, from the first action, to anticipated follow-ups based on predefined criteria. Added to this is a very ergonomic monitoring dashboard. So much so that the salesperson can concentrate his efforts only on hot leads: he thus saves precious time.